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Why the Singleton pattern is evil

Posted on August 1, 2023

What is Singleton?

The singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance. It ensures that only one instance of the class exists throughout the application. This pattern is often used when there is a need for a global point of access to a shared resource or when instantiating multiple instances would be unnecessary or counterproductive.

Here's an example of implementing the Singleton pattern in Java:

public class Singleton {
    private static Singleton instance;
    // Private constructor to prevent instantiation from outside
    private Singleton() {
    // Static method to get the singleton instance
    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new Singleton();
        return instance;

In the above code, the class Singleton has a private constructor, preventing direct instantiation from outside the class. The static method getInstance() is used to access the singleton instance. If the instance does not exist, it is created, and subsequent calls to getInstance() will return the same instance. This ensures that only one instance of the Singleton class is created and used throughout the application.

Enemy of testing

The Singleton pattern can be problematic for testing due to its global state and lack of flexibility. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Global State: The Singleton pattern creates a global point of access to a shared resource, which can make testing more difficult. Since there is only one instance of the class, any changes made during testing will affect all subsequent tests. This can lead to unpredictable test results and make it challenging to isolate and debug issues.

2. Lack of Flexibility: The Singleton pattern can be inflexible when it comes to testing. Since there is only one instance of the class, it can be challenging to test different scenarios that require variations in the object's state or behavior. This can limit the ability to test edge cases and corner cases effectively.

3. Dependencies: Singleton classes often have dependencies that are not easily testable. These dependencies can make it challenging to set up mock objects or substitute real objects with test doubles, leading to increased coupling and decreased testability.

4. Thread-Safety: Singleton classes can sometimes introduce thread-safety issues, which can be challenging to test for. Since there is only one instance of the class, multiple threads might access it simultaneously, leading to race conditions and concurrency issues.

Bad for software maintainability

The Singleton pattern can pose challenges for maintaining and evolving codebases due to its inherent characteristics. Here are a few reasons why it can be problematic for maintenance:

1. Hidden Dependencies: Singleton classes often have hidden dependencies, making it difficult to identify and manage them. Since the Singleton instance is globally accessible, other parts of the codebase may rely on it without explicit knowledge or clear documentation. This can lead to tight coupling and difficulties in understanding and modifying the codebase.

2. Encourages Global State: The Singleton pattern introduces global state, where changes made to the Singleton instance can affect the behavior of the entire application. This can make it harder to reason about the flow of data and control the system's behavior. As the codebase grows, understanding and tracing the impact of changes become increasingly complex.

3. Testing Challenges: As mentioned earlier, Singleton classes can present challenges in testing due to their global state and hidden dependencies. Unit testing becomes more difficult when tests rely on a shared Singleton instance, making it harder to isolate and verify the behavior of individual components. This can hinder testability and maintainability.

4. Limited Scalability and Flexibility: The Singleton pattern restricts the number of instances to one, which can limit the scalability and flexibility of the codebase. If the application requirements change, and multiple instances are needed, refactoring the Singleton pattern can be cumbersome and may require significant modifications to the codebase.

5. Intertwined Concerns: Singleton classes often take on multiple responsibilities and can become a "god object" that handles various concerns. This violates the Single Responsibility Principle and can make the codebase more difficult to understand, maintain, and extend over time.


While the Singleton pattern can be useful in certain scenarios, it can introduce significant challenges for testing and maintaining software. To address these issues, it's often recommended to favor dependency injection, which provides greater flexibility and testability by explicitly injecting dependencies and using well-defined interfaces. By adopting dependency injection and adhering to SOLID principles, codebases become more modular, testable, and maintainable, making it easier to understand, modify, and evolve the codebase over time. Ultimately, the choice between Singleton and dependency injection should consider the specific requirements and constraints of the project, and the decision should be based on the principles of good software design and maintainability.