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Hi, it's Hai

Software Engineering, Game Development, Storytelling, and more!

More often than not, GraphQL is evil for your app

Posted on August 3, 2023


While both REST and GraphQL serve the purpose of enabling communication between clients and servers, they differ in several key aspects. REST, or Representational State Transfer, follows a resource-based architecture where clients interact with predefined endpoints to retrieve or manipulate data. On the other hand, GraphQL operates on a single endpoint and allows clients to specify their data requirements through queries. This flexibility empowers clients to request precisely the data they need, reducing over-fetching or under-fetching of information. Additionally, GraphQL consolidates multiple resource requests into a single query, reducing network overhead. However, this power and flexibility come at the cost of increased complexity and potential performance challenges.

If you prefer a declarative approach to work and want to choose only specific information or operations, GraphQL can be an excellent option. Nonetheless, whether or not it is suitable for your project depends on various factors, such as your specific use case, performance needs, and ability to handle additional complexity that GraphQL may introduce.


One potential reason for GraphQL to be slower in certain cases is over-fetching. Since GraphQL allows clients to request precisely the data they need, it may result in larger payloads compared to REST, where predefined endpoints return fixed data structures. If not managed carefully, this can lead to increased network payload size, longer transfer times, and slower overall performance.

Another factor that can impact performance is the "N+1 problem." GraphQL's flexibility enables clients to fetch related data in a single query, but it can also result in multiple round trips to the server to resolve nested fields or relationships. This can introduce additional latency and impact response times, especially when dealing with complex data structures or deeply nested queries.

Additionally, the complexity involved in resolving GraphQL queries on the server side can introduce performance overhead. Complex joins, data transformations, or inefficient query resolvers can impact response times and overall system performance.

Too Complex

GraphQL requires a well-defined schema that outlines the available types and fields in an API. Designing an effective schema can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex data models or evolving requirements. The schema design process requires careful consideration of the data relationships, field granularity, and performance implications.

Also, GraphQL allows clients to request precisely the data they need. However, this flexibility can lead to complex queries with multiple levels of nesting, aliases, and arguments. As a result, constructing and understanding complex queries can become more challenging, especially when dealing with intricate data structures.


REST APIs often provide a higher level of discoverability due to the self-descriptive nature of RESTful resources. Standard HTTP methods and response codes, along with well-defined URI patterns, allow clients to navigate and interact with the API more intuitively. GraphQL, on the other hand, relies on a predefined schema, which requires prior knowledge or documentation to understand the available resources and their relationships.


In conclusion, while GraphQL offers powerful features such as precise data retrieval and reduced network overhead, it presents several significant drawbacks. Performance can be negatively impacted by over-fetching, the "N+1 problem," and the complexity of resolving queries on the server side. The design and management of a GraphQL schema can be challenging, particularly with complex data models or evolving requirements. Additionally, the flexibility of GraphQL can result in complex queries with multiple levels of nesting, aliases, and arguments, making query construction and understanding more difficult. Furthermore, GraphQL lacks the inherent discoverability of REST APIs, relying on prior knowledge or documentation to understand available resources and relationships. Considering these limitations, REST continues to be a more practical choice for many projects, providing simplicity, performance optimization, and intuitive interaction with well-defined resources.